Category: Club
2021-2022 Finn National Champs
2021-2022 Finn Auckland Champs
2021-2022 Finn South Island Champs
2021-2022 Finn Canterbury Champs
2015 Finn Gold Cup Pata Finn Charter Options
2014-15 Finn Masters Waiuku 3-5 April 2015
2015 Oceanbridge Sail Auckland
2014-15 Selection Policy 2015 Gold Cup
Please review the attached information for further information on the Finn Gold Cup selection cliteria to determine which sailors will represent New Zealand in 2015. New Zealand Finn Association selection policy 2015 Finn Gold Cup Document.
2014-15 Summer Series Ranking List Final
2014-15 Gold Cup Selection
2014-15 Auckland Champs Takapuna 21-22 Mar 2015
Hi Fellow Finnsters. The Selection Trials are all over with 15 Finns sailing the Auckland Champs off Takapuna. A good competitive fleet sailed in 15 knots Sat and 8 plus on Sunday. N/E 15 knots saw some entertaining launchings on Sat. No more exhausting than my effort. Trying to secure…
2014-15 National Champs Lyttelton 28-30 Jan 2015
2014-15 SI Finn Champs Lyttelton 25-26 Jan 2015
2014-15 Canterbury Champs 29-30 Nov 2014
2014-15 NI Finn Champs Tauranga 18-19 Oct 2014
We had a great Nth Islands at Tauranga. A laid back OOD who was happy to accommodate what the 11 boat fleet wanted. So what did we settle on. Finns from Ch Ch and Welly were keen to finish the regatta in one session for travel reasons. A unanimous decision…
2013-14 Summer Series Ranking List
2013-14 Finn Masters Waiuku 21-23 Apr 2014
2013-14 SI Finn Champs Lyttleton 22-29 Mar 2014
2013-14 National Champs Maraetai 6-9 Feb 2014
2014-15 Waiuku Summer Series Weekend 4-5 Jan 2014
Finn Flash Wow what a weekend of sailing. 5 races with Josh Junior and a fleet of 10 boats. A warm welcome to Josh and Karl Purdie to Waiuku sailing. Sat saw us sail 3 races in 10<>15 knots with Josh taking 3 guns, but the sailing was close and…
2013-14 Auckland Champs Takapuna 7-8 Dec 2013
Day 1: Excellent sailing conditions greeted the 12 Finn sailors for the second round of the Craig Monk Summer Series, the Auckland Finn Champs held over the weekend 7-8th December. While not the sea breeze that was hoped for the Norwest winds varying between 5 and 25 knots gave the…
2013-14 Canterbury Champs 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2013
Below are the results of this year’s Canterbury Championship Regatta sailed at the Charteris Bay Yacht Club over the weekend. The NOR was for 6 races but ultimately only 5 races were completed due to very difficult sailing conditions on Saturday. Racing was scheduled to start at 12.30 on Saturday…
2013-14 NI Finn Champs Tauranga 12-13 Oct 2013
Wow, back at work after a day off to recover from the Nth Island Finn Champs. What a great venue and well run regatta. The wind was right up there, but again the cream sailors came through after some amazing races. Day one had the fleet sent home when the…
2013-14 Waiuku Winter Champs 21-22 Sep 2013
A good turnout for the winter Finn champs. Dave, Ray, Dirch, Jim, John, Gerrit, Justin, Illia, and me. Triangle courses both days with fast reaching and close uphill battles. Dave is sailing damn fast. His fitness is good as well with all the bike riding, and the motivation videos he’s…
2012-13 Finn Masters Waiuku 29-31 March 2013
Thanks to the fellow Finnsters who supported the 2013 CRC Finn Masters. A little down on previous numbers, but the same outcome, a damn good hotly contested regatta. NZL 13 joining the fleet to make up a total of 13 Finns entered Thanks to the regatta sponsors CRC and Doyles.…
2012-13 National Champs Takapuna 8-10 Feb 2013
The NZL Finn fleet visited the proposed venue of the 2015 Gold Cup bid off the beaches of Takapuna. Much interest was generated in Auckland with former and current Finn stars visiting the fleet including Ralph Roberts , Clifton Webb, Dan Slater and Rafa Trujillo to name a few. The…
2012-13 Auckland Finn Champs Manukau 1-2 Dec 2012
9 Finns contested a keenly fought Auckland Finn Champs on the Manukau harbour. While the numbers were lower than expected the quality was high as was demonstrated by the tightness of the racing. The Manukau Yacht Club put on a well run highly enjoyable event for the sailor with Trevor…
2012-13 Canterbury Champs 27 Nov 2012
This weekend the South Island Finn Association held their Canterbury Championships in conjunction with the Charteris Bay Yacht Club (CBYC) annual regatta. 6 races were sailed over 2 days with one drop. Conditions earlier in the week were looking a little dubious with talk of nor-west and southerly wind. In…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 6 Nov 2012
Hi Fellow Finnsters A great turn out of new and old faces at the North Island Finn champs sailed at a Thames. 14 Finns in the car park, 13 sailing. A big thanks and hug to Commodore Sarah for an entertaining weekend on and off the water. Also to her…
2012-2013 NI Finn Champs Thames 3-4 Nov 2012
The North Island Finn Champs weekend had everything, Good turnout, good wind, great racing, hard luck stories, fireworks displays, great hospitality, plenty of adult beverages and a little bit of controversy. Have to start by thanking the Thames Sailing Club team headed up by Sarah Deadman their commodore for the…
2012-13 South Island Finn Flash 29 Oct 2012
Only one Finn out last Saturday and that was me! It was the first outing for my new boat so I was pretty keen to get the Devoti on the water after being away traveling the last few weeks. Conditions were perfect and a far cry from a number of…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 29 Oct 2012
Only 6 Finns at our 1st champs race. Lots of school gala days, and the first decent family weekend for a while. So 2champ races and a 3rd sprit race. A right hand track was the way to go in race one, so I went left. Mark P and Royce…
2012-13 Wellington Hurricane Classic 20-21 Oct 2012
The long range forecast for Wellington over Labour Weekend 21-22 October was always interesting reading. The closer to the weekend we got the more interesting it became. Never mind, committed now so off we go. The Wellington Hurricane Classic was the first of the 2012-13 Summer Series and a new…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 1 Oct 2012
Hi fellow Finnsters. A good turnout of boats, 11 over the weekend. Rumours’ tell me that nzl 169 will soon bless the Waiuku waters. So now with the Newport, the wooden Finn and nzl 169, 3 more Finns join the thing to do. FINN SAILING. When all the boys front…
2012-13 Waiuku Winter Champs 1-2 Sep 2012
This summer is shaping up to be the busiest yet for the NZ Finn fleet with 10 regattas planned for both the North and South Islands including the addition of the Hurricane Classic in Wellington. This increase in activity is a reflection of the continued growth in the Finn Fleet…
2021-2022 Finn National Champs
2021-2022 Finn Auckland Champs
2021-2022 Finn South Island Champs
2021-2022 Finn Canterbury Champs
2015 Finn Gold Cup Pata Finn Charter Options
2014-15 Finn Masters Waiuku 3-5 April 2015
2015 Oceanbridge Sail Auckland
2014-15 Selection Policy 2015 Gold Cup
Please review the attached information for further information on the Finn Gold Cup selection cliteria to determine which sailors will represent New Zealand in 2015. New Zealand Finn Association selection policy 2015 Finn Gold Cup Document.
2014-15 Summer Series Ranking List Final
2014-15 Gold Cup Selection
2014-15 Auckland Champs Takapuna 21-22 Mar 2015
Hi Fellow Finnsters. The Selection Trials are all over with 15 Finns sailing the Auckland Champs off Takapuna. A good competitive fleet sailed in 15 knots Sat and 8 plus on Sunday. N/E 15 knots saw some entertaining launchings on Sat. No more exhausting than my effort. Trying to secure…
2014-15 National Champs Lyttelton 28-30 Jan 2015
2014-15 SI Finn Champs Lyttelton 25-26 Jan 2015
2014-15 Canterbury Champs 29-30 Nov 2014
2014-15 NI Finn Champs Tauranga 18-19 Oct 2014
We had a great Nth Islands at Tauranga. A laid back OOD who was happy to accommodate what the 11 boat fleet wanted. So what did we settle on. Finns from Ch Ch and Welly were keen to finish the regatta in one session for travel reasons. A unanimous decision…
2013-14 Summer Series Ranking List
2013-14 Finn Masters Waiuku 21-23 Apr 2014
2013-14 SI Finn Champs Lyttleton 22-29 Mar 2014
2013-14 National Champs Maraetai 6-9 Feb 2014
2014-15 Waiuku Summer Series Weekend 4-5 Jan 2014
Finn Flash Wow what a weekend of sailing. 5 races with Josh Junior and a fleet of 10 boats. A warm welcome to Josh and Karl Purdie to Waiuku sailing. Sat saw us sail 3 races in 10<>15 knots with Josh taking 3 guns, but the sailing was close and…
2013-14 Auckland Champs Takapuna 7-8 Dec 2013
Day 1: Excellent sailing conditions greeted the 12 Finn sailors for the second round of the Craig Monk Summer Series, the Auckland Finn Champs held over the weekend 7-8th December. While not the sea breeze that was hoped for the Norwest winds varying between 5 and 25 knots gave the…
2013-14 Canterbury Champs 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2013
Below are the results of this year’s Canterbury Championship Regatta sailed at the Charteris Bay Yacht Club over the weekend. The NOR was for 6 races but ultimately only 5 races were completed due to very difficult sailing conditions on Saturday. Racing was scheduled to start at 12.30 on Saturday…
2013-14 NI Finn Champs Tauranga 12-13 Oct 2013
Wow, back at work after a day off to recover from the Nth Island Finn Champs. What a great venue and well run regatta. The wind was right up there, but again the cream sailors came through after some amazing races. Day one had the fleet sent home when the…
2013-14 Waiuku Winter Champs 21-22 Sep 2013
A good turnout for the winter Finn champs. Dave, Ray, Dirch, Jim, John, Gerrit, Justin, Illia, and me. Triangle courses both days with fast reaching and close uphill battles. Dave is sailing damn fast. His fitness is good as well with all the bike riding, and the motivation videos he’s…
2012-13 Finn Masters Waiuku 29-31 March 2013
Thanks to the fellow Finnsters who supported the 2013 CRC Finn Masters. A little down on previous numbers, but the same outcome, a damn good hotly contested regatta. NZL 13 joining the fleet to make up a total of 13 Finns entered Thanks to the regatta sponsors CRC and Doyles.…
2012-13 National Champs Takapuna 8-10 Feb 2013
The NZL Finn fleet visited the proposed venue of the 2015 Gold Cup bid off the beaches of Takapuna. Much interest was generated in Auckland with former and current Finn stars visiting the fleet including Ralph Roberts , Clifton Webb, Dan Slater and Rafa Trujillo to name a few. The…
2012-13 Auckland Finn Champs Manukau 1-2 Dec 2012
9 Finns contested a keenly fought Auckland Finn Champs on the Manukau harbour. While the numbers were lower than expected the quality was high as was demonstrated by the tightness of the racing. The Manukau Yacht Club put on a well run highly enjoyable event for the sailor with Trevor…
2012-13 Canterbury Champs 27 Nov 2012
This weekend the South Island Finn Association held their Canterbury Championships in conjunction with the Charteris Bay Yacht Club (CBYC) annual regatta. 6 races were sailed over 2 days with one drop. Conditions earlier in the week were looking a little dubious with talk of nor-west and southerly wind. In…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 6 Nov 2012
Hi Fellow Finnsters A great turn out of new and old faces at the North Island Finn champs sailed at a Thames. 14 Finns in the car park, 13 sailing. A big thanks and hug to Commodore Sarah for an entertaining weekend on and off the water. Also to her…
2012-2013 NI Finn Champs Thames 3-4 Nov 2012
The North Island Finn Champs weekend had everything, Good turnout, good wind, great racing, hard luck stories, fireworks displays, great hospitality, plenty of adult beverages and a little bit of controversy. Have to start by thanking the Thames Sailing Club team headed up by Sarah Deadman their commodore for the…
2012-13 South Island Finn Flash 29 Oct 2012
Only one Finn out last Saturday and that was me! It was the first outing for my new boat so I was pretty keen to get the Devoti on the water after being away traveling the last few weeks. Conditions were perfect and a far cry from a number of…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 29 Oct 2012
Only 6 Finns at our 1st champs race. Lots of school gala days, and the first decent family weekend for a while. So 2champ races and a 3rd sprit race. A right hand track was the way to go in race one, so I went left. Mark P and Royce…
2012-13 Wellington Hurricane Classic 20-21 Oct 2012
The long range forecast for Wellington over Labour Weekend 21-22 October was always interesting reading. The closer to the weekend we got the more interesting it became. Never mind, committed now so off we go. The Wellington Hurricane Classic was the first of the 2012-13 Summer Series and a new…
2012-13 Waiuku Finn Flash 1 Oct 2012
Hi fellow Finnsters. A good turnout of boats, 11 over the weekend. Rumours’ tell me that nzl 169 will soon bless the Waiuku waters. So now with the Newport, the wooden Finn and nzl 169, 3 more Finns join the thing to do. FINN SAILING. When all the boys front…
2012-13 Waiuku Winter Champs 1-2 Sep 2012
This summer is shaping up to be the busiest yet for the NZ Finn fleet with 10 regattas planned for both the North and South Islands including the addition of the Hurricane Classic in Wellington. This increase in activity is a reflection of the continued growth in the Finn Fleet…